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Why We Respectfully Declined Partnerships with Iconic Luxury Brands

Written by Petter Hellevik | May 23, 2024 8:06:39 AM

At Zizr, our commitment is to pioneer the next generation of online shopping experiences. This mission has led us to make some tough decisions, including respectfully declining partnerships with some of the world’s most renowned luxury brands. Here’s why we chose this path, with all due respect and admiration for those who have paved the way in the luxury market.

Embracing Innovation Over Tradition
Our vision at Zizr involves more than just enhancing the existing framework; it requires a complete reinvention of the online customer journey. While the allure of prestigious names is strong, we must align with partners who share our commitment to transformative solutions that address common e-commerce frustrations.

Listening and Responding to Customer Needs
Through direct feedback, consumers have made it clear: they seek a seamless, frustration-free shopping experience. They desire a Zizr ID—a universal online shopping passport—that ensures reliability and satisfaction across any platform, much like a VISA card does in global transactions.

Our Respectful Approach to Tradition
We hold immense respect for the iconic brands that have shaped fashion and apparel, leading the way in the luxury market. Their traditions have set high standards in quality, elegance and amazing in-store customer experiences. However, our path at Zizr requires us to innovate boldly and rapidly. While we honor the past, we are geared towards a future where online shopping is universally seamless and customer-centric.

The Zizr ID: Transforming E-commerce
The Zizr ID is our solution to make shopping online as reliable and inspiring as purchasing in-store. By focusing on partnerships that actively embrace this vision, we are making strides toward a universally compatible online shopping experience that meets modern consumer demands.

Our Promise
Turning away from potential collaborations with legendary brands is never a decision taken lightly. However, it underscores our dedication to innovation and customer satisfaction. We are humbly forging ahead, excited to partner with those who are equally committed to revolutionizing the online retail space.

At Zizr, we are excited about the future and committed to redefining the online shopping experience. Our mission is to make it easy, accurate, and enjoyable for everyone. This is the key to gradually reducing and eventually eliminating unnecessary returns.

We will not give up on being the industry standard. The next generation shopping experience needs a common infrastructure for data sharing. If you're still working independently, take your time. When you're ready, join us 😊